Preparing for the JLPT N3 exam can feel overwhelming, especially when it comes to building a solid vocabulary foundation. I remember scouring multiple resources—textbooks, online forums, and practice tests—just to find a reliable word list. That’s why I’ve put together this handpicked JLPT N3 vocabulary list of 200 essential words to streamline your study process. Whether you’re brushing up on your kanji recognition or expanding your everyday expressions, this list will help you focus on the most common terms you’ll likely encounter in reading passages, listening exercises, and conversation topics at the N3 level.
Before you dive in, consider checking out these additional resources for a well-rounded study routine:
- JLPT Official Website – Stay up to date on exam dates, registration, and official practice materials.
- NHK Easy News – Improve reading comprehension by exposing yourself to real-world Japanese articles tailored for learners.
- JLPT N3 Grammar Guide
- for mastering intermediate-level grammar structures.
- Please find other JLPT N3 vocabulary list
- Please try out useful Book for JLPT N3 Vocabulary
I’ve been in your shoes, juggling vocabulary flashcards and grammar drills while wondering if I was focusing on the right material. This JLPT N3 vocabulary list below will keep you on track and ensure you’re covering essential words often seen in N3-level textbooks, practice exams, and native materials. Let’s tackle them together—step by step—and get you closer to your JLPT goals!
# | Vocabulary (Kanji) | Reading (Hiragana) | Meaning (English) |
1 | 愛 | あい | love, affection |
2 | 愛情 | あいじょう | love, affection (emotional) |
3 | 合図 | あいず | sign, signal |
4 | 相手 | あいて | partner, companion, opponent |
5 | 明かり | あかり | light, illumination |
6 | 空き | あき | vacancy, room, emptiness |
7 | 明ける | あける | to dawn, to become daylight |
8 | 預ける | あずける | to entrust, to deposit |
9 | 与える | あたえる | to give, to present, to award |
10 | 辺り | あたり | vicinity, nearby |
11 | 当たる | あたる | to be hit, to succeed, to face |
12 | 扱う | あつかう | to handle, to deal with, to treat |
13 | 集まり | あつまり | gathering, meeting, assembly |
14 | 当てる | あてる | to hit, to apply, to guess |
15 | 暴れる | あばれる | to act violently, to rage about |
16 | 浴びる | あびる | to bathe, to shower |
17 | 油 | あぶら | oil |
18 | 余り | あまり | remainder, rest, surplus |
19 | 誤り | あやまり | error, mistake |
20 | あるいは | あるいは | or, possibly |
21 | 案 | あん | idea, plan, proposal |
22 | 暗記 | あんき | memorization, learning by heart |
23 | 安定 | あんてい | stability, equilibrium |
24 | 案内 | あんない | guidance, information |
25 | 言い出す | いいだす | to start talking, to propose |
26 | 意外 | いがい | unexpected, surprising |
27 | 生き物 | いきもの | living thing, animal |
28 | 意思 | いし | intention, purpose |
29 | 意志 | いし | will, volition |
30 | 維持 | いじ | maintenance, preservation |
31 | 異常 | いじょう | abnormal, unusual |
32 | 椅子 | いす | chair |
33 | 意識 | いしき | consciousness, awareness |
34 | 以前 | いぜん | ago, since, before |
35 | 一度に | いちどに | all at once |
36 | 一瞬 | いっしゅん | a moment, an instant |
37 | 一体 | いったい | (what) on earth, really |
38 | 一致 | いっち | match, agreement, consistency |
39 | 一般 | いっぱん | general, universal |
40 | 一方 | いっぽう | on the other hand, one way |
41 | 移動 | いどう | movement, transfer |
42 | 従兄弟 / 従姉妹 | いとこ | cousin |
43 | 居眠り | いねむり | dozing, nodding off |
44 | 以来 | いらい | since, henceforth |
45 | 依頼 | いらい | request, commission |
46 | 医療 | いりょう | medical care, medical treatment |
47 | 岩 | いわ | rock, crag |
48 | 祝い | いわい | celebration, festival |
49 | 祝う | いわう | to celebrate, to congratulate |
50 | 印象 | いんしょう | impression |
51 | 引退 | いんたい | retirement |
52 | うがい | うがい | gargling |
53 | 伺う | うかがう | to ask, to inquire (humble) |
54 | 受け取る | うけとる | to receive, to get |
55 | 動かす | うごかす | to move (something) |
56 | 失う | うしなう | to lose, to part with |
57 | 後ろ | うしろ | behind, rear |
58 | 疑う | うたがう | to doubt, to distrust |
59 | 移す | うつす | to move, to shift (something) |
60 | 訴える | うったえる | to sue, to complain |
61 | うなる | うなる | to groan, to moan |
62 | 奪う | うばう | to snatch away, to steal |
63 | 馬 | うま | horse |
64 | 生まれ | うまれ | birth, birthplace |
65 | 埋める | うめる | to bury, to fill up |
66 | 裏切る | うらぎる | to betray |
67 | 得る | える / うる | to obtain, to gain |
68 | 売上 | うりあげ | amount sold, sales |
69 | 売り切れる | うりきれる | to be sold out |
70 | 噂 | うわさ | rumor, gossip |
71 | 運 | うん | fortune, luck |
72 | 永遠 | えいえん | eternity, perpetuity |
73 | 永久 | えいきゅう | eternity, perpetuity |
74 | 営業 | えいぎょう | business, trade, operations |
75 | 衛星 | えいせい | satellite |
76 | 栄養 | えいよう | nutrition, nourishment |
77 | 笑顔 | えがお | smiling face |
78 | 描く | えがく | to draw, to depict |
79 | 役立つ | やくだつ | to be useful, helpful |
80 | 宴会 | えんかい | banquet, party |
81 | 延期 | えんき | postponement, deferment |
82 | 演技 | えんぎ | acting, performance |
83 | 援助 | えんじょ | assistance, aid |
84 | エンジン | えんじん | engine |
85 | 演説 | えんぜつ | speech, address |
86 | 演奏 | えんそう | musical performance |
87 | 遠慮 | えんりょ | reserve, holding back |
88 | 御 | お | honorific prefix |
89 | 追いかける | おいかける | to chase, to run after |
90 | 追いつく | おいつく | to catch up (with) |
91 | 王 | おう | king, monarch |
92 | 追う | おう | to chase, to pursue |
93 | 応援 | おうえん | aid, support, cheering |
94 | 応じる | おうじる | to respond, to comply |
95 | 横断 | おうだん | crossing (e.g., street) |
96 | 終える | おえる | to finish, to complete |
97 | 大型 | おおがた | large size |
98 | 大いに | おおいに | very, greatly |
99 | 覆う | おおう | to cover, to hide, to conceal |
100 | 大家 | おおや | landlord, landlady |
101 | 丘 | おか | hill, height |
102 | 沖 | おき | open sea, offshore |
103 | 奥 | おく | inner part, interior |
104 | 贈る | おくる | to send (a gift), to give |
105 | 起こる | おこる | to occur, to happen |
106 | 幼い | おさない | very young, childish |
107 | 収める | おさめる | to obtain, to store, to pay |
108 | 汚染 | おせん | pollution, contamination |
109 | 恐れる | おそれる | to fear, to be afraid of |
110 | お互い | おたがい | mutual, each other |
111 | 穏やか | おだやか | calm, gentle, quiet |
112 | 劣る | おとる | to be inferior, to fall behind |
113 | 脅かす | おどかす | to threaten, to startle |
114 | おとなしい | おとなしい | obedient, docile, quiet |
115 | 驚かす | おどろかす | to surprise, to astonish |
116 | お昼 | おひる | lunch, midday |
117 | 溺れる | おぼれる | to drown, to be indulged in |
118 | おまけ | おまけ | free gift, discount |
119 | おめでとう | おめでとう | congratulations |
120 | 思わず | おもわず | unintentionally, spontaneously |
121 | 主に | おもに | mainly, primarily |
122 | 思い込む | おもいこむ | to be convinced, to imagine |
123 | 思い出 | おもいで | memories, recollections |
124 | 逆らう | さからう | to go against, to oppose |
125 | 参加 | さんか | participation |
126 | 参考 | さんこう | reference, consultation |
127 | 賛成 | さんせい | approval, agreement |
128 | 酸素 | さんそ | oxygen |
129 | 散歩 | さんぽ | walk, stroll |
130 | 四角い | しかくい | square, four-cornered |
131 | 直に | じかに | directly, in person |
132 | 時期 | じき | time, season, period |
133 | 支給 | しきゅう | payment, provision |
134 | しきりに | しきりに | frequently, repeatedly |
135 | 刺激 | しげき | stimulus, impetus |
136 | 自殺 | じさつ | suicide |
137 | 事実 | じじつ | fact, truth |
138 | 支社 | ししゃ | branch office |
139 | 事情 | じじょう | circumstances, situation |
140 | 詩人 | しじん | poet |
141 | 自身 | じしん | oneself |
142 | 沈む | しずむ | to sink, to feel depressed |
143 | 自然 | しぜん | nature |
144 | 思想 | しそう | thought, idea |
145 | 下書き | したがき | draft, rough copy |
146 | 次第に | しだいに | gradually, by degrees |
147 | 失業 | しつぎょう | unemployment |
148 | 実行 | じっこう | execution (of a plan), practice |
149 | 実現 | じつげん | realization, actualization |
150 | 実際 | じっさい | in practice, reality |
151 | 実施 | じっし | enforcement, implementation |
152 | 実は | じつは | as a matter of fact, actually |
153 | 失望 | しつぼう | disappointment, despair |
154 | 支店 | してん | branch store (office) |
155 | 指導 | しどう | leadership, guidance |
156 | 自動 | じどう | automatic |
157 | 品 | しな | article, item, goods |
158 | 支配 | しはい | control, domination |
159 | 芝生 | しばふ | lawn, turf |
160 | 支払 | しはらい | payment |
161 | しばらく | しばらく | for a while, some time |
162 | 死亡 | しぼう | death |
163 | 資本 | しほん | funds, capital |
164 | 姉妹 | しまい | sisters |
165 | 氏名 | しめい | full name |
166 | 占める | しめる | to occupy, to hold |
167 | 借金 | しゃっきん | debt, loan |
168 | しゃべる | しゃべる | to chat, to talk |
169 | 週間 | しゅうかん | weekly publication, weekly cycle |
170 | 集合 | しゅうごう | gathering, assembly |
171 | 住居 | じゅうきょ | dwelling, house, residence |
172 | 重大 | じゅうだい | serious, important |
173 | 収入 | しゅうにゅう | income, revenue |
174 | 住宅 | じゅうたく | residence, housing |
175 | 集中 | しゅうちゅう | concentration, focusing |
176 | 就職 | しゅうしょく | finding employment |
177 | 修正 | しゅうせい | amendment, correction |
178 | 主張 | しゅちょう | claim, assertion |
179 | 需要 | じゅよう | demand, request |
180 | 受験 | じゅけん | taking an examination |
181 | 順番 | じゅんばん | order, sequence |
182 | 準備 | じゅんび | preparation, arrangements |
183 | 使用 | しよう | use, application |
184 | 重要 | じゅうよう | important, essential |
185 | 主役 | しゅやく | leading part, leading role |
186 | 女優 | じょゆう | actress |
187 | しょっちゅう | しょっちゅう | always, constantly |
188 | 書類 | しょるい | documents, official papers |
189 | 知らせ | しらせ | notice, news, information |
190 | 人生 | じんせい | (human) life |
191 | 人物 | じんぶつ | person, character |
192 | 進歩 | しんぽ | progress, improvement |
193 | 親友 | しんゆう | close friend |
194 | 信用 | しんよう | confidence, trust |
195 | 信頼 | しんらい | reliance, faith, trust |
196 | 深刻 | しんこく | serious, grave |
197 | 人工 | じんこう | artificial, man-made |
198 | 進学 | しんがく | going on to a higher-level school |
199 | 寝坊 | ねぼう | oversleeping, late riser |
200 | 人種 | じんしゅ | race (of people) |