JLPT N3 Vocabulary List

Preparing for the JLPT N3 exam can feel overwhelming, especially when it comes to building a solid vocabulary foundation. I remember scouring multiple resources—textbooks, online forums, and practice tests—just to find a reliable word list. That’s why I’ve put together this handpicked JLPT N3 vocabulary list of 200 essential words to streamline your study process. Whether you’re brushing up on your kanji recognition or expanding your everyday expressions, this list will help you focus on the most common terms you’ll likely encounter in reading passages, listening exercises, and conversation topics at the N3 level.

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I’ve been in your shoes, juggling vocabulary flashcards and grammar drills while wondering if I was focusing on the right material. This JLPT N3 vocabulary list below will keep you on track and ensure you’re covering essential words often seen in N3-level textbooks, practice exams, and native materials. Let’s tackle them together—step by step—and get you closer to your JLPT goals!

#Vocabulary (Kanji)Reading (Hiragana)Meaning (English)
1あいlove, affection
2愛情あいじょうlove, affection (emotional)
3合図あいずsign, signal
4相手あいてpartner, companion, opponent
5明かりあかりlight, illumination
6空きあきvacancy, room, emptiness
7明けるあけるto dawn, to become daylight
8預けるあずけるto entrust, to deposit
9与えるあたえるto give, to present, to award
10辺りあたりvicinity, nearby
11当たるあたるto be hit, to succeed, to face
12扱うあつかうto handle, to deal with, to treat
13集まりあつまりgathering, meeting, assembly
14当てるあてるto hit, to apply, to guess
15暴れるあばれるto act violently, to rage about
16浴びるあびるto bathe, to shower
18余りあまりremainder, rest, surplus
19誤りあやまりerror, mistake
20あるいはあるいはor, possibly
21あんidea, plan, proposal
22暗記あんきmemorization, learning by heart
23安定あんていstability, equilibrium
24案内あんないguidance, information
25言い出すいいだすto start talking, to propose
26意外いがいunexpected, surprising
27生き物いきものliving thing, animal
28意思いしintention, purpose
29意志いしwill, volition
30維持いじmaintenance, preservation
31異常いじょうabnormal, unusual
33意識いしきconsciousness, awareness
34以前いぜんago, since, before
35一度にいちどにall at once
36一瞬いっしゅんa moment, an instant
37一体いったい(what) on earth, really
38一致いっちmatch, agreement, consistency
39一般いっぱんgeneral, universal
40一方いっぽうon the other hand, one way
41移動いどうmovement, transfer
42従兄弟 / 従姉妹いとこcousin
43居眠りいねむりdozing, nodding off
44以来いらいsince, henceforth
45依頼いらいrequest, commission
46医療いりょうmedical care, medical treatment
47いわrock, crag
48祝いいわいcelebration, festival
49祝ういわうto celebrate, to congratulate
53伺ううかがうto ask, to inquire (humble)
54受け取るうけとるto receive, to get
55動かすうごかすto move (something)
56失ううしなうto lose, to part with
57後ろうしろbehind, rear
58疑ううたがうto doubt, to distrust
59移すうつすto move, to shift (something)
60訴えるうったえるto sue, to complain
61うなるうなるto groan, to moan
62奪ううばうto snatch away, to steal
64生まれうまれbirth, birthplace
65埋めるうめるto bury, to fill up
66裏切るうらぎるto betray
67得るえる / うるto obtain, to gain
68売上うりあげamount sold, sales
69売り切れるうりきれるto be sold out
70うわさrumor, gossip
71うんfortune, luck
72永遠えいえんeternity, perpetuity
73永久えいきゅうeternity, perpetuity
74営業えいぎょうbusiness, trade, operations
76栄養えいようnutrition, nourishment
77笑顔えがおsmiling face
78描くえがくto draw, to depict
79役立つやくだつto be useful, helpful
80宴会えんかいbanquet, party
81延期えんきpostponement, deferment
82演技えんぎacting, performance
83援助えんじょassistance, aid
85演説えんぜつspeech, address
86演奏えんそうmusical performance
87遠慮えんりょreserve, holding back
88honorific prefix
89追いかけるおいかけるto chase, to run after
90追いつくおいつくto catch up (with)
91おうking, monarch
92追うおうto chase, to pursue
93応援おうえんaid, support, cheering
94応じるおうじるto respond, to comply
95横断おうだんcrossing (e.g., street)
96終えるおえるto finish, to complete
97大型おおがたlarge size
98大いにおおいにvery, greatly
99覆うおおうto cover, to hide, to conceal
100大家おおやlandlord, landlady
101おかhill, height
102おきopen sea, offshore
103おくinner part, interior
104贈るおくるto send (a gift), to give
105起こるおこるto occur, to happen
106幼いおさないvery young, childish
107収めるおさめるto obtain, to store, to pay
108汚染おせんpollution, contamination
109恐れるおそれるto fear, to be afraid of
110お互いおたがいmutual, each other
111穏やかおだやかcalm, gentle, quiet
112劣るおとるto be inferior, to fall behind
113脅かすおどかすto threaten, to startle
114おとなしいおとなしいobedient, docile, quiet
115驚かすおどろかすto surprise, to astonish
116お昼おひるlunch, midday
117溺れるおぼれるto drown, to be indulged in
118おまけおまけfree gift, discount
120思わずおもわずunintentionally, spontaneously
121主におもにmainly, primarily
122思い込むおもいこむto be convinced, to imagine
123思い出おもいでmemories, recollections
124逆らうさからうto go against, to oppose
126参考さんこうreference, consultation
127賛成さんせいapproval, agreement
129散歩さんぽwalk, stroll
130四角いしかくいsquare, four-cornered
131直にじかにdirectly, in person
132時期じきtime, season, period
133支給しきゅうpayment, provision
134しきりにしきりにfrequently, repeatedly
135刺激しげきstimulus, impetus
137事実じじつfact, truth
138支社ししゃbranch office
139事情じじょうcircumstances, situation
142沈むしずむto sink, to feel depressed
144思想しそうthought, idea
145下書きしたがきdraft, rough copy
146次第にしだいにgradually, by degrees
148実行じっこうexecution (of a plan), practice
149実現じつげんrealization, actualization
150実際じっさいin practice, reality
151実施じっしenforcement, implementation
152実はじつはas a matter of fact, actually
153失望しつぼうdisappointment, despair
154支店してんbranch store (office)
155指導しどうleadership, guidance
157しなarticle, item, goods
158支配しはいcontrol, domination
159芝生しばふlawn, turf
161しばらくしばらくfor a while, some time
163資本しほんfunds, capital
165氏名しめいfull name
166占めるしめるto occupy, to hold
167借金しゃっきんdebt, loan
168しゃべるしゃべるto chat, to talk
169週間しゅうかんweekly publication, weekly cycle
170集合しゅうごうgathering, assembly
171住居じゅうきょdwelling, house, residence
172重大じゅうだいserious, important
173収入しゅうにゅうincome, revenue
174住宅じゅうたくresidence, housing
175集中しゅうちゅうconcentration, focusing
176就職しゅうしょくfinding employment
177修正しゅうせいamendment, correction
178主張しゅちょうclaim, assertion
179需要じゅようdemand, request
180受験じゅけんtaking an examination
181順番じゅんばんorder, sequence
182準備じゅんびpreparation, arrangements
183使用しようuse, application
184重要じゅうようimportant, essential
185主役しゅやくleading part, leading role
187しょっちゅうしょっちゅうalways, constantly
188書類しょるいdocuments, official papers
189知らせしらせnotice, news, information
190人生じんせい(human) life
191人物じんぶつperson, character
192進歩しんぽprogress, improvement
193親友しんゆうclose friend
194信用しんようconfidence, trust
195信頼しんらいreliance, faith, trust
196深刻しんこくserious, grave
197人工じんこうartificial, man-made
198進学しんがくgoing on to a higher-level school
199寝坊ねぼうoversleeping, late riser
200人種じんしゅrace (of people)

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