JLPT N4 Kanji List

JLPT N4 Kanji List: Master the 170 Essential Characters for Your Next Exam

Preparing for the JLPT N4 can feel overwhelming—especially when it comes to memorizing kanji. In this post, we’ll introduce a comprehensive N4 kanji list featuring around 170 commonly tested characters. By focusing on these core kanji, you’ll boost your reading comprehension and confidently tackle everything from textbook exercises to real-life Japanese signage. Each kanji entry includes On/Kun readings and English meanings, ensuring you have a solid reference for study sessions.

Why This Matters:

  • Foundation Building: N4 kanji solidify your understanding of essential Japanese vocabulary.
  • Efficient Learning: Targeting high-frequency characters helps you see quick progress.
  • Practical Usage: Master these kanji to read short articles, manga, or everyday notices in Japan.

Study Tips & Resources:

  • Use flashcards or spaced repetition apps like Anki to keep new characters fresh in your mind.
  • Practice writing each kanji in context to develop muscle memory and reinforce stroke order.
  • Check out our JLPT N4 Grammar List for a well-rounded study approach.

With consistent practice and the right resources, you’ll find that JLPT N4 kanji become less intimidating—and far more useful in everyday Japanese!

#KanjiReading (On/Kun)Meaning (English)
1カイ, あ(う)Meet, society
2ドウ, おな(じ)Same
3ジ, みずか(ら)Oneself
4ジ, ことThing, matter
5シャ, やしろCompany, shrine
6ハツ, た(つ)Departure, start
7シャ, ものPerson
8チ, ジGround, earth
9ガク, たの(しい)Music, pleasure
10チョウ, なが(い)Long, leader
11キン, ちか(い)Near
12ツウ, とお(る), かよ(う)Pass, commute
13Reason, principle
14シ, おも(う)Think
15ヒン, しなGoods, refinement
16ヨウ, もち(いる)Use, utilize
17カイ, ひら(く), あ(く)Open
18タイ, からだBody
19エイ, うつ(る)Reflect, project
20ガ, カクPicture, stroke
21エイEngland, English
22ケン, と(ぐ)Sharpen, research (begin)
23キュウ, きわ(める)Research (master), investigate
25インInstitution (hospital, temple, etc.)
26ケン, ゲンTest, examine
27ドウ, うご(く)Move
28キョウ, おし(える)Teach
29ブン, ふみSentence, literature
30ゾクTribe, family
31リョ, たびTravel
32シン, まTrue, reality
33便ベン, ビン, たよ(り)Convenience, mail
34リ, き(く)Advantage, benefit
35ド, たびDegree, time
37ジュウ, す(む)Dwell, reside
38ホ, ある(く)Walk
39ヤ, のField
40サイ, なVegetable, greens
42ケン, た(てる)Build
43ビョウ, や(む)Sick, illness
44カ, にBaggage, load
45ソウ, おく(る)Send
46使シ, つか(う)Use
47サク, つく(る)Make, create
48シュウ, なら(う)Learn
49キョウ, ゴウ, つよ(い)Strong
50ジ, も(つ)Hold, have
#KanjiReading (On/Kun)Meaning (English)
51タイ, ま(つ)Wait
52シ, はじ(まる/める)Begin, start
53シュウ, お(わる)End, finish
54タイ, か(す)Lend
55シャク, か(りる)Borrow
56ヘン, かえ(す)Return (something)
58セキ, むかしOld times, long ago
59Beforehand, in advance
60テイ, さだ(める)Fix, decide
62ワ, やわ(らぐ)Harmony, peace
63ショク, た(べる)Eat
64イン, の(む)Drink
65キャクGuest, customer
67チュウ, そそ(ぐ)Pour, concentrate
68Mind, meaning, will
69ミ, あじFlavor, taste
70Tool, ingredient
71シン, おや, した(しい)Parent, intimate
72ベツ, わか(れる)Separate, another
73ベンEndeavor, effort
74ダイ, タイStand, platform
75シ, あねOlder sister
76ケイ, あにOlder brother
77テイ, ダイ, おとうとYounger brother
78マイ, いもうとYounger sister
79キュウ, いそ(ぐ)Hurry, urgent
80トク, とく(べつ)Special
81セツ, き(る)Cut
82キョ, さ(る)Leave, past
83ジョウ, の(る)Ride, board
84コウ, お(りる), ふ(る)Descend, get off, fall (rain)
85シン, すす(む)Advance, proceed
86チ, おく(れる), おそ(い)Late, slow
87ハイ, くば(る)Distribute
88シ, こころ(みる), ため(す)Test, try
89モン, と(う)Question
90シツ, シチQuality, matter
91ダイTopic, title
92トウ, こた(える)Answer
93ヤク, くすりMedicine
94ショ, あつ(い)Hot (weather)
95カン, さむ(い)Cold (weather)
96ジュウ, おも(い)Heavy
97ケイ, かる(い)Light (weight)
98エン, とお(い)Far
99ショウShining, bright (era name, 昭和)
100トウ, しまIsland
101ジョウ, ばPlace
102ケンPrefecture (e.g., 埼玉県)
103ト, みやこMetropolis, capital (Tokyo)
104Urban prefecture (Osaka, Kyoto)
105オウCenter, middle
106ヘイ, たい(ら)Flat, peace
107カ, ば(ける)Change, transform
108By means of, compared with
109ゼン, まった(く)Whole, entire
110カ, なにWhat
111コウ, ひかりLight
112コウ, ひろ(い)Wide, spacious
113イン, ひ(く)Pull
114ジャク, よわ(い)Weak
115アン, くら(い)Dark
116カ, うたSong
117オン, おとSound
118セイ, こえVoice
119トウ, ズ, あたまHead
120ガン, かおFace
121シュ, くびNeck, head (chief)
122シン, こころHeart, mind
123ケツ, ちBlood
124シ, し(ぬ)Die
125Medicine, doctor
126サイ, もっと(も)Most, extreme
127ワ, はな(す)Speak, talk
128ゲン, ゴン, い(う)Say, word
129ケイ, はか(る)Measure, plan
130ゴ, かた(る)Language, word
131ドク, よ(む)Read
132ショ, か(く)Write
133キ, しる(す)Record, write down
134セツ, と(く)Explain, theory
135モン, かどGate
136コ, とDoor
137ソウ, まどWindow
138カイFloor, stairs
139ゴウNumber, item
140宿シュク, やどInn, lodging
141ガン, ねが(う)Wish, request
142カツ, わ(る)Divide, cut
143トウ, あ(たる)Hit, appropriate
144コウ, おおやけPublic
145エン, そのGarden
146チョウ, とりBird
147ギョ, さかなFish
148ギュウ, うしCow
149バ, うまHorse
151チャ, サTea
152シュ, さけAlcohol, sake
153カイWorld, boundary
154シツ, むろRoom
155センLine, track
156メイ, な(く)Cry (animal), ring (sound)
157シンBelieve, message
158トウ, な(げる)Throw
159ヘン, か(わる), か(える)Change, unusual
160サンCalculate, arithmetic
161レイThanks, etiquette
162シツ, うしな(う)Lose, error
164キョウ, はしBridge
165ショウ, あきな(う)Commerce, trade
166コウ, みなとPort, harbor
167シン, ジン, かみGod, deity
168サイ, まつ(り)Festival
169マツ, すえEnd, tip
170カイ, まわ(る)Times, revolve

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