JLPT N4 Grammar List

JLPT N4 Grammar List: Master Key Patterns for Intermediate Japanese

If you’ve already conquered the basics of Japanese and passed JLPT N5, it’s time to take your skills to the next level with JLPT N4. This level delves deeper into essential grammar patterns, building on the fundamentals while preparing you for more advanced conversations and reading comprehension. Below, you’ll find a comprehensive list of N4 grammar points to help you structure your study plan effectively.

Why Focus on JLPT N4 Grammar?

  • Bridging the Gap: N4 grammar serves as a crucial link between basic Japanese (N5) and more complex structures at N3 and above.
  • Practical Use: You’ll encounter these grammar forms in everyday conversations, simple business scenarios, and short written materials like emails or magazine snippets.
  • Confidence Booster: A solid grasp of N4 grammar gives you the confidence to tackle longer sentences, express yourself more naturally, and engage with native-level content on a deeper level.

How to Study Effectively

  1. Combine Grammar & Vocabulary: Pair each grammar pattern with relevant N4-level words to reinforce both areas simultaneously.
  2. Practice with Real Materials: Use textbooks like Minna no Nihongo II and online resources (e.g., JLPT Official Website) for sample questions and explanations.
  3. Leverage Online Communities: Platforms like JLPT Sensei offer free articles, practice exercises, and tips from fellow learners.
  4. NEW KANZEN MASTER BUNPO N4 Book is very helpful for pass JLPT N4.

Backlinks & Resources

Below is a detailed table of the JLPT N4 grammar list (commonly referenced by Japanese learners and educators). While the JLPT does not publish an official grammar syllabus, these patterns are widely recognized as core essentials for the N4 exam. Use them to guide your studies and track your progress toward fluency!

#Grammar Lesson文法レッスンGrammar Meaning
1〜ないといけない / 〜なければならない〜ないといけない / 〜なければならないMust do, have to do
2〜なくてもいい〜なくてもいいDon’t have to do
3〜てもいい〜てもいいMay, it’s OK to do
4〜てはいけない〜てはいけないMust not do, not allowed
5〜ないでください〜ないでくださいPlease don’t do
6〜てみる〜てみるTry doing (to see how it goes)
7〜てしまう / 〜ちゃう〜てしまう / 〜ちゃうDo something completely / regrettably
8〜たことがある〜たことがあるHave done (experience)
9〜たり〜たりする〜たり〜たりするDoing things like A and B
10〜すぎる〜すぎるToo much (excessive)
11〜方 (かた)〜方Way of doing
12〜そうだ (様態)〜そうだ (ようだ)Looks like, seems (appearance)
13〜そうだ (伝聞)〜そうだ (でんぶん)I heard that… (hearsay)
14〜らしい〜らしいIt seems, apparently
15〜かもしれない〜かもしれないMight, may (possibility)
16〜んです / 〜のです〜んです / 〜のですExplanation, emphasis
17〜でしょう / 〜だろう〜でしょう / 〜だろうProbably, I suppose
18〜なければならない (casual: 〜なきゃ / 〜なくちゃ)〜なきゃ / 〜なくちゃMust do (colloquial forms)
19〜てもかまわない〜てもかまわないIt doesn’t matter if…, it’s okay to…
20〜しか〜ない〜しか〜ないOnly, nothing but
22〜しかない〜しかないHave no choice but to…
23〜ために (目的)〜ためにIn order to, for the sake of
24〜ために (原因)〜ためにBecause of, due to
25〜ようになる〜ようになるCome to do, reach a state where…
26〜ことができる〜ことができるCan do (ability)
27〜ように言う / 〜ように頼む〜ように言う / 〜ようにたのむTell/ask someone to do something (indirect command)
28〜つもり〜つもりIntend to do, plan to do
29〜たがる〜たがるSomeone (3rd person) wants to…
30〜かどうか〜かどうかWhether or not
31〜かい / 〜の (casual question)〜かい / 〜のInformal question ending
32〜ようと思う〜ようとおもうI’m thinking of doing… (intention)
33〜てもらう / 〜ていただく〜てもらう / 〜ていただくReceive an action (someone does for me)
34〜てくれる / 〜てくださる〜てくれる / 〜てくださるSomeone does a favor for me
35〜てあげる / 〜て差し上げる〜てあげる / 〜てさしあげるI do something for someone
36〜ように〜ようにSo that, in order to
37〜のに〜のにAlthough, in spite of
38〜ので〜のでBecause (polite reason)
39〜場合は〜ばあいはIn case…, if…
40〜たら〜たらIf/when (conditional)
41〜ば〜ばIf (conditional form)
42〜なら〜ならIf (conditional, focusing on a topic)
43〜ても〜てもEven if…, although…
44〜にくい / 〜やすい〜にくい / 〜やすいHard to do / easy to do
45〜みたい〜みたいLooks like, appears to be
46〜ようだ〜ようだIt seems that…, it appears…
47〜かもしれない (casual: 〜かも)〜かもMight, maybe (colloquial)
48〜さ〜さ-ness (turning i-adjectives into nouns)
49〜がる〜がるExpressing a 3rd person’s feelings or desires
50〜たばかり〜たばかりHave just done something
51〜ところ〜ところAbout to do / in the middle of / just finished
52〜おかげで〜おかげでThanks to (positive cause)
53〜せいで〜せいでBecause of (negative cause)
54〜によると〜によるとAccording to
55〜にとって〜にとってFor, from the standpoint of
56〜わけ〜わけReason, conclusion (that’s why…)
57〜というわけだ〜というわけだThat means…, that’s why…
58〜てもかまわない (similar to #19)〜てもかまわないIt’s alright if…, no problem if…
59〜ずに〜ずにWithout doing
60〜ことにする / 〜ことになる〜ことにする / 〜ことになるDecide to do / It has been decided…
61〜んじゃない / 〜のではないか〜んじゃない / 〜のではないかIsn’t it that…? (opinion)
62〜わりに〜わりにAlthough…, despite…
63〜に違いない〜にちがいないNo doubt that…, I’m certain…
64〜ようとする〜ようとするTry to do, attempt to do
65〜てほしい / 〜てもらいたい〜てほしい / 〜てもらいたいWant someone to do…
66〜おう / 〜よう (Volitional form)〜おう / 〜ようLet’s do…, shall we do…?
67〜かもしれません (polite)〜かもしれませんMight, maybe (polite)
68〜がする (taste/smell/sound)〜がするTo smell, taste, feel (sense-based expressions)
69〜たまま〜たままLeaving something as is, in that state
70〜べき〜べきShould, ought to
71〜てもらえますか / 〜ていただけますか〜てもらえますか / 〜ていただけますかCould you please…? (request)
72〜っぽい〜っぽい-ish, somewhat, looks like
73〜とおり〜とおりJust as, in the same way as
74〜ながら〜ながらWhile doing, although (two simultaneous actions)
75〜にくい〜にくいDifficult to do
76〜ように言う (variation of #27)〜ように言うTo tell someone to do something
77〜までに〜までにBy (deadline), before
78〜うちに〜うちにWhile still…, before it changes
79〜きっと〜きっとSurely, definitely (adverb used for certainty)
80〜もし〜もしIf, in case (used at sentence start for condition)
81〜ておく〜ておくDo something in advance / prepare beforehand
82〜てある〜てあるSomething is in a state (result of an intentional action)
83Passive Form: 〜(ら)れる受け身形(〜(ら)れる)Passive voice (be done by someone)
84Causative Form: 〜(さ)せる使役形(〜(さ)せる)To make/let someone do something
85Causative Passive: 〜(さ)せられる使役受け身(〜(さ)せられる)To be made to do something
86〜ずに〜ずにWithout doing (classical negative stem; e.g., 食べずに = without eating)
87〜(よ)うとする〜(よ)うとするAbout to do, try to do something
88〜ばよかった〜ばよかったI wish I had, it would’ve been better if…
89〜ばかり (Time/Quantity)〜ばかりJust, only (indicates an approximate or recent action)
90〜ことにする〜ことにするDecide to do something (speaker’s decision)
91〜ことになる〜ことになるIt has been decided that… (outside the speaker’s control)
92Humble Form: 〜お + Verb Stem + する〜お〜するHumble expression (e.g., お待ちする)
93〜ていただく〜ていただくReceive a favor (humble), e.g., “Could I have you do…?”
94〜(ら)せていただく〜(ら)せていただくLet me do (humble); e.g., “Allow me to…”
95〜てくる〜てくるDo something and come back / a change happening toward the speaker
96〜ていく〜ていくDo something and go away / a change happening away from the speaker
97〜てすみません〜てすみませんI’m sorry for doing… (apology)
98〜てもらえますか〜てもらえますかCould you please do…? (polite request)
99〜たらどうですか〜たらどうですかHow about doing…? (giving advice)
100〜たところ〜たところWhen/after doing something, (I found/discovered…)
101〜てばかりいる〜てばかりいるDo nothing but (always doing one action)
102〜にくい / 〜やすい (Extended)〜にくい / 〜やすいHard to do / Easy to do (verb stem +)
103〜ておく (Expanded Use)〜ておく(再掲)In preparation for future use
104〜てあげる / 〜てやる〜てあげる / 〜てやるDo something for someone (casual vs. polite)
105〜てもかまわない (Variation)〜てもかまわないIt’s okay if…, no problem if… (similar to 〜てもいい)
106〜はず〜はずShould be, I expect that…
107〜つい (Adverb)〜ついAccidentally, unintentionally
108〜にとって (Extended)〜にとってFor, from the standpoint of…
109〜に対して〜に対してToward, with regard to…
110〜について〜についてAbout, concerning…
111〜に関して〜に関してRegarding, related to (slightly more formal)
112〜によれば / 〜によると〜によれば / 〜によるとAccording to… (hearsay/quoted info)
113〜てみせる〜てみせるI’ll show you by doing…, do something as a demonstration
114〜(ら)れる (Honorific Use)尊敬形(〜(ら)れる)Honorific passive (e.g., 先生が言われる)
115〜しかない (Expanded)〜しかないHave no choice but to…
116〜っけ (Casual Question Ending)〜っけ“What was it again…?” (recalling info)
117〜かしら (Casual Feminine Question)〜かしら“I wonder…” (soft feminine expression)
118〜けど / けれど (Conjunction)〜けど / けれどBut, although (casual vs. polite)
119〜もの / 〜もん (Casual Reason)〜もの / 〜もん“Because…” (informal explanation, often used by children)
120〜というもの〜というものSomething called… (defining a concept)
121〜において〜においてIn, at (formal expression of location/time)
122〜に加えて〜にくわえてIn addition to…, as well as…
123〜に代わって〜にかわってInstead of, on behalf of
124〜に違いない (Expanded)〜にちがいないNo doubt that… (speaker’s conviction)
125〜を中心に〜をちゅうしんにCentered on, focusing on
126〜をはじめ〜をはじめStarting with, not limited to…
127〜とともに〜とともにTogether with…, at the same time as…
128〜つつ〜つつWhile doing… (formal variation of 〜ながら)
129〜つつある〜つつあるIn the process of doing… (ongoing action)
130〜ようがない〜ようがないNo way to do something
131〜からこそ〜からこそPrecisely because… (emphasis on cause)
132〜に過ぎない〜にすぎないNothing more than, merely
133〜せいで / 〜せいか (Expanded)〜せいで / 〜せいかBecause of (negative nuance) / Possibly because…
134〜うちに (Extended)〜うちにWhile still… (before a change occurs)

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